Domestic Violence Lawyers Sydney Services

Nobody should go through Domestic Violence alone. Our firm offers specialist Domestic Violence Lawyers in Sydney.

Our Team at the Norton Law Group, Are Experts in Domestic and Family Violence.

We work collaboratively with domestic violence professionals including counsellors, psychologists, social workers, financial advisors and safe houses. Our team at the Norton Law Group, are experts in domestic and family violence. If you are the victim of domestic violence or have been accused or charged with an act of domestic violence The Norton Law Group domestic violence and family law experts, who can provide you with the necessary legal advice to protect your rights.

What is Domestic Violence?
Identifying domestic violence can often be difficult as the perpetrator will often only engage in acts of domestic violence behind closed doors. Not only can domestic violence result in criminal charges and convictions but the outside criminal sanctions there are various consequences and remedies available pursuant to the Family Law Act.

Some of the most common types of domestic violence include:

• Physical Violence – which involves unwanted physical contact such as punching, beating, slapping, shoving, unwanted sex or other physical contact and the like and includes the threat of of physical violence even absent actual physical violence;
• Emotional Violence – actions and behaviour that undermines your confidence and humiliates, degrades, belittles or demeans you, such as name calling;
• Economical Violence – actions and behaviour intended to control your finances and financial independence;
• Social Violence – actions and behaviour intended to control your social contact with others, whether family of friends.

I am a victim of domestic violence – what can I do? How do I protect myself against domestic violence?
Often the abuse has gone on for years and there are no witnesses to the abuse and you feel trapped and confused that no one will believe you. Too often victims feel foolish and embarrassed at having let the abuse go on for years or feel that they they deserved the abuse.

Regretfully such fears are the result of the abuse and can be paralyzing to a victim not knowing how to move forward. Break the cycle today and speak to one of our expert domestic violence lawyers to get the best advice on how to move forward. With our help you can break the cycle and put a top to domestic violence.

If you have been in a domestic relationship, you can apply for a domestic violence orders by contacting the local police or by contacting one of our expert domestic violence lawyers. Orders can be obtained very quickly to restrict the access of an abusive partner on yourself, and/or your child or children, to protect your from further violent or, harassing activities and even to have an abusive partner removed from the home.

We Are Leading Family Lawyer’s in Sydney.

Speak with one of our specialist family lawyer’s today.

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Provide You With the Necessary Legal Advice to Protect Your Rights

Apprehended Domestic Violence Orders
Apprehended domestic violence orders offer protection from physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological and or emotional abuse, harassing or intimidating behaviour. Apprehended personal violence orders can also protect physical violence , damage to property, harassment, intimidation, stalking or other offensive behaviour. At The Norton Law Group we can assist you in obtaining these Orders from Court and ensuring that your safety and your children’s safety is guaranteed.

I have been charged with a domestic violence related matter and need to defend myself? I have been charged with breaching a domestic violence order, what can I do ?
If you have been served or charged with an apprehended personal violence order or charged with a domestic violence related matter we will work to ensure that your rights are fully protected.

Is domestic violence relevant to divorce , property proceedings, parenting or custody or separation from my partner?
Domestic Violence has consequences and is very relevant when determining division of assets and property settlement after separation. Domestic Violence also has a direct impact on custody and parenting arrangements and orders following separation.

At the Norton Law Group We Offer a First Free Consultation.

Call us today if you are the victim of domestic violence or if you have been charged with a domestic violence related offence and let once of our expert domestic violence lawyers Sydney or domestic violence lawyers Parramatta help you.

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